Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Vintage Par-tay

I have SO much vintage that has just been piling up over the past
few months. I quit doing the market many months ago but I have been
shopping like crazy! I have so much stuff and would like to make it
available to you but I cant possibly photograph it all. So, I think it
would be really fun to have a vintage party at my place! I live in
beautiful Fort Greene, right off the C train on the second floor of a
brownstone apt. I will have plenty of room to try things on, nice big
mirrors and lots of wine! I can do this tmrw evening , Saturday or
Sunday afternoon. Depending on how many people get back to me about
which time is best, I will make my plan. Thanks!!! -Eliza ALSO-this
is a more inexpesive way to shop considering you wont have to pay
shipping, paypal fees etc., and you can try things on!!!

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