Monday, May 7, 2007

Socialite Rank Exposed!

Several months back, I forwarded the former blog, to my ex-roomate for her expert eyes to look over. While I like to think that I don't bother myself with such trivial pursuits, truth be told, somehow became one of the many blogs I perused during a slow hour (make that days) at work. Naturally I was saddened to see its demise.

A couple more days worth of blog perusal and a few conversations with the aforementioned roomate of mine who knows EVERYTHING about the fashion world, I was still curious as to why's creators shut down such a well trafficked site.

Lo and behold I found a great post on that explains it all.

Check it out here

Now if one of you fashionistas could explain to me who Valentine and Olga Rei are....

p.s. Check out NY Magazine's expose in this week's issue!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I know who valentine is! they make cute dresses sold at intermix and barneys co-op...
$600 price range

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