Friday, September 21, 2007

Sunday, September 16, 2007

Return of the Blog

The Communal Closet is back online after a brief summer hiatus! We have lots of exciting news to release into the blogosphere! For the first posting of fall, we salute some of the other blogs out there!

No Impact Man
Style Bubble
Liebemarlene Vintage
Cory Kennedy

According to the number of bloggers now exceeds 50 million worldwide! Thats a lot of aspiring writers, driven journal keepers, and dogged purveyors of information on the superhighway whose postings may never be uncovered even by the most intrepid of net surfers. So you may ask, why continue? The answer here at Communal Closet Online is, because we care:) We are the brightest minds, the fastest typers, and the best outfitted bringing you the latest as its all happening now. We have the dish on fall fashion, nyc apartment hunting, grad school applications, and acheiving world peace. You will be inspired by our creative, practical and international spirit:)
viva la blog!

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The Communal Closet